Becoming a Educator

Offer courses and appointments

Step by Step

Educator Overview

The following videos focus on usage for mentors offering course content and want to sell that content to their students with flexible payment options.

I. Register as a Mentor

Get started with your mentor business

  1. Create a new login
  2. Enter your name and notification settings
  3. Add a mentor profile
  4. Tell students where you mentor (create a 'campus')

Get Started

II. Mentor Profile Overview

(Educator View)

Learn about parts of your mentor dashboard

Sample Dashboard

III. Create a Course

Create a course

Sample Course

IV. Course Lesson Outline

GuruFyre has lots of options to build a course. A few of the options are covered in this video.

  1. Add a lesson outline to a course.
  2. Add optional checklist for students per lesson
  3. Create a custom page layout per lesson. Include:
    • videos ( or YouTube)
    • rich text
    • images
    • feedback form
    • banner image
    • color palettes
    • phone, tablet and desktop page layout

The page designer in the video is out of date. A much improved designer is now available. The video will be updated soon.

More videos coming soon

Educators have more features available on GuruFyre today. We are working hard to create more how-to videos.